Friday, June 22, 2018

Bounce Rate-Related Questions Answered By Long Island SEO Companies

By Rob Sutter

What are some of the most prominent factors that go into how well a website ranks? Bounce rate may be one of the most important, and to say that it goes a long way would be an understatement. Any Long Island SEO company will tell you that if a site fails to hold someone's attention, it stands a lesser chance of ranking well. With this in mind, here are a few bounce rate-related questions that deserve to be responded to.

"What's the definition of bounce rate?" Any authority on marketing, included, can tell you that this is a term referring to the number of visitors that arrive on a site, only to click away soon thereafter. This increases bounce rate and much like a golf score, it's ideal that this number is as low as possible. Otherwise, it indicates that there is something amiss with your site. Fortunately, most problems can be diagnosed and corrected by your local Long Island SEO specialist.

"What's the average amount of time that someone should spend on site?" This depends on where someone clicks on your site from. If they find your business on Google, you would want them to stick around anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute. If they find your site while they're on another site, this time may increase. Regardless, by knowing the average time spent on site, you'll be able to adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

"What are the consequences of a high bounce rate?" If your site's bounce rate is noticeable high, there are a few problems that may arise. Your site's presence on Google will take a hit, meaning that fewer people will be able to find you. Furthermore, people will spend less time on your site, which will not do your rankings any favors. Problems like these can impact your business, especially in the digital sense, which is why these possibilities should be considered early on.

"What can I do to help my site's bounce rate?" First, ensure that the user experience is as seamless as possible. You can do this by reducing popups and clutter, both of which can have a severe impact on how someone perceives a site. You should also keep your site updated with content so that users have all the more reason to visit. These are just a few ways to lower your site's bounce rate in the long term.

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