Saturday, January 11, 2014

It Is Not Hard To Learn How To Become A Professional Dancer

By Marissa Velazquez

How to become a professional dancer is a question many people are interested in. Moving your body to the music is a pleasant and relaxing activity, that allows one to express one's self and connect with other people. Not many professions give you the opportunity to be creative and in touch with yourself and that's why dancing as a way of earning a living can be a dream come true.

This kind of career is one of great difficulty though, because you have to be confident about your talent and know that your work sends a message to other people. Sometimes you will get a good feedback but sometimes you won't. And that's the challenge: to receive any reaction people have on your performance in a constructive manner. The best part is that even if there will be difficult moments, you will grow professionally and, most important, personally.

If it so happens that you receive a negative feedback from the critics, you have to be strong in order to be constructive about it. Sometimes you will question your own talent, but you will learn a lot about yourself along the way. That is just how it all goes.

Connecting with people and communicating through your dance is the most subtle part of dancing. Other great things about dancing as a profession include that you meet a lot of interesting people. You also travel a lot and experience new things.

Being a dancer implies that you will travel and get to know a lot of new and interesting people. And with so many things going you can safely say you will never get bored. You will work hard every day to master the moves and the choreography but you will certainly never get bored. Every day will be different for you.

Between parts of yourself, between a part of yourself and a part of another person and between yourself as a whole and another person as a whole, they all connect. Other great things that come with dancing are meeting new and interesting people, travelling and living the life of an artist. Of course, there are things you will miss, too.

On the stage, you will be whole. You will merge with the audience and music and lights and movements. Being a good dancer involves a great deal of self-discipline and hard work and passion. And you have to know that every day in order to perform at your best.

Yes, it takes a great deal of courage to follow this career path. The best answer to how to become a professional dancer is follow your dream, enjoy every moment of it and be dedicated. As long as you love what you do, love comes back to you.

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